Lorna Liana, CEO of EntheoNation & Founder of Plant Spirit School

“I had the good fortune of working with Mags in 2 different companies over the last 2 years. The first was during the launch of the psychedelic directory Psycheable where she was one of the team of writers I was leading during an 8-week product launch sprint. The second was in my own company, where Mags made an invaluable contribution in many different areas, such as blog article writing, email copywriting, panel topic research, speaker curation, and livestream moderation. She also co-facilitated student discussion groups for the Plant Spirit School Integration Coach Certification Program and served as a highly reliable host for many live workshops and trainings with recognized leaders in the psychedelic community. 

However, her unique value is her substantial knowledge of plant medicine culture, her attunement to the many ethical nuances arising from the global expansion of ancestral medicines, and her ability to communicate these developments in a well-researched, journalistic writing style. Any company wishing to cover plant medicine content needs a writer like Mags who understands the social justice implications of the psychedelic renaissance on the Global South. 

Mags was a crucial team player, stepping in whenever she could, wherever she was needed, which was absolutely essential in a fast-moving business. I have no doubt that she will be both a beloved and valued team member wherever she chooses to contribute her many gifts.”

Ivaylo Govedarov, Founder of Colibri Garden and Medicine Music School

“I highly recommend Mags. I have worked with her on several projects and she has always been super professional, she is very capable, goes the extra mile and is very proactive. A joy to work with.”

Reilly Capps, Editorial Director of Healing Maps

“Magdalena is one of my favorite writers to edit. She travels the world with a wide-open, curious mind that takes in ideas, trends and details other people skip over. She's walking wikipedia page for the things she's interested in.

Our collaborations on stories were wonderful journeys in themselves. We'd start with the germ of an idea, feed it and dissect it until it was a fully-realized story pitch. Then she'd research, interview, write and (sometimes) take pictures. It was always a joy to read the articles she came back with.

She was a dream to edit—but not a pushover, since she had a fierce belief in the stories she wanted to tell, the perspectives of the people she wanted to include, and the language she believed the subjects deserved. The finished products were among the best stories we put up on our website—unique, human, surprising, and true.”

Patrick Quinn, Founder and Director of Functional Creative Editorial

“Mags is a gifted writer who treats every topic she encounters in a thoughtful and engaging manner. In more than five years of working with Mags, I've been continually impressed by her consistency, her professionalism, and her fearlessness – not to mention her aptitude to master new subject matter.

Her prose is polished, energetic, and surprising in all the best ways. Curiosity is her super power, and you can count on Mags to bring to life the most seemingly mundane subject matter with her exceptional storytelling abilities.”